Welcome to my blog on " Understanding School Refusal ". The purpose of this blog is to give some insight into the factors that may cause a child to refuse to attend school and how to deal with a child who is struggling with School Refusal to some degree or other. School Refusal occurs in up to 5% of the student population and in your everyday life it is possible that it is your child, student, relation , neighbour who may have to deal with this issue and may seek your support and advice. I hope that this blog will be of some assistance to you whether you are the one struggling and finding it difficult to attend school or are the parent, teacher, guidance counsellor, relation, friend.
The blog contains is a section explaining what School Refusal is and the underlying issues . There is a page with help for parents and some links to resources in the form of books, articles from well recognised journals ,interviews etc and also an outline of the various interventions that professionals may use and that are recognised in helping students deal with this issue
The good news is that School Refusal in general is a transient process and most students with the right interventions can overcome it, reintegrate back into school and go on to complete their education successfully.
I have posted some interviews with parents, professionals in this area which I think will give you great hope, fresh insights and support that you are not alone in dealing with this issue.
I welcome your comments , suggestions and any information on additional resources you may have on this topic.
Good luck with your journey.
Best Wishes
Katherine Aherne
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